Spotted design
The website is a showcase of you or your company, it contains all the services and products that you offer or it is simply a self-promotion. Then it is worth knowing about the recipient’s mind, how he makes decisions, what affects him and how to influence him. There are proven mechanisms, from the principles of social influence to the psychology of colors, that will help us achieve the desired effect of the browsers’ actions. We can successfully expand our website to complement or even replace a trader in many sections of sales and implement techniques that will be used by selling products. It has been known for a long time that one picture is worth a thousand words, also complex solutions, sometimes much easier to visualize than to describe. In addition, if we place corporate solutions in the context of beautifully composed graphics, well-thought-out usability and navigation that guides the user by the hand. We can count on him following exactly where we want to lead him.
Preparation of visualization involves the creation of a three-dimensional model of the displayed object. Having such a model, we are not limited in any way when it comes to the shot / frame. In virtual space, you do not need to build tripods, take care of lighting, or worry about possible damage to the object. We have full control over everything. Another advantage of this technology is that the object we want to show does not have to exist in reality. Thus, you do not have to build a building, build a machine prototype, or start any production to create a visualization. It is enough that you have materials that clearly define the product (e.g. technical drawings). So you can get clients before starting any work. The basic limitation in printed works is their resolution. With large-format printing, it is difficult to get a photo in a sufficiently high resolution. Visualization can be of any high resolution.
Vector and raster graphics. Designing individual elements such as logos, business cards, catalogs, banners, avatars, personalized designs for invitations, e.g. wedding invitations, designs for T-shirts, mugs, letterhead and more without losing quality. Processing and processing of photos, preparation of products for sale. Personalized company graphics card with in-depth analysis.
Ready projects
No idea is not a problem! Recently, you will find ready-made designs of advertising materials that we will personalize to your data.